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<Editorial Note: Page numbers have been omitted in favour of hyperlinks, and further hyperlinks added elsewhere for cross-referencing. Some obvious typographical and othe errors have been corrected. A small number of explanatory comments have been added (in this style) especially to avoid changing the original text.>


Purpose and Scope

1: System Overview

Functional requirements
Host connection
     Memory Size
     Screen Facilities
     The keyboard
     The Printer
     The RS232 Serial Port
     The Mouse

2: The 80186 Processor

Processor Registers
     General purpose registers
     Segment Registers
     Index and pointer registers
80186 instructions
Memory addressing – segmentation
      Addressing techniques
The RAM – Memory size

3: Firmware

Tube initialization
     The 'bootstrap' loader
The 80186 monitor
Monitor commands
     Dump – Dump specified memory to screen
     DOS – Reboot DOS+
     F – Fill memory with a constant
     GO – Execute code starting at the specified address
     MON – Enter the 80186 monitor
     S – Show memory contents (for editing)
     SR – Search memory for a text string
     TFER – Transfer between the 512's RAM and host's
Host Errors

4: The Tube

General description
Tube operations
Tube protocol
The Tube Registers
Host MOS calls
A short conversation

5: 6502.SYS functions

Functional overview
     Event processing
     Unknown OSWORDs
OSWORD functions
     6845 control
     Screen output
     Block transfers
     WD1770/2 control
     Hard disc control
Event functions
     Outstanding FDC operations
     Keyboard processing
     Asynchronous operations
IRQ1V functions
     The User port

6: DOS Plus MOS calls

Calling the MOS
MOS call types
MOS call definitions
     OSFIND – INT 40h
     OSGBPB – INT 41h
     OSBPUT – INT 42h
     OSBGET – INT 43h
     OSARGS – INT 44h
     OSFILE – INT 45h
     OSRDCH – INT 46h
     OSASCI – INT 47h
     OSNEWL – INT 48h
     OSWRCH – INT 49h
     OSWORD – INT 4Ah
     OSBYTE – INT 4Bh
     OSCLI – INT 4Ch
Coding of MOS calls
Block data transfer

7: DOS Plus

A short history
Elements of DOS Plus
     The BDOS
     The DOS emulator
     The Console Command Processor
     The XIOS
Executable files
     BAT files
     COM files
     EXE files
     CMD files
     RSX files
Sticky memory
Background tasks

8: DOS Plus Interrupts

     Internal hardware interrupts
     External hardware interrupts
     Software interrupts
The vector table
512 DOS emulation
     INT 21h – The function dispatcher
     INT 22h – The terminate handler
     INT 23h – The CTRL-C handler
     INT 24h – The critical error handler
     INT 25h – Absolute disc read
     INT 26h – Absolute disc write
     INT 27h – Terminate and stay resident
BDOS calls – INT 224
     BDOS call notes
Host Application Errors
80186 Error Messages
Escape Processing

9: DOS Plus Disc Structure

Disc organization
The File Allocation Table
12 and 16 bit FATs

10: The MOVE Utility

Command parameters and syntax
     <source filespec>
     <dest dirspec>
Single file moves
Multiple copies between DOS and MOS
Copying whole directories
DOS to MOS Directory Mapping
Copying files between MOS and MOS
Moving MOS directories
Wild Card File Specifications
Filename Character Translation

11: EDBIN – The binary editor

Invoking EDBIN
EDBIN command syntax
EDBIN commands
     C(ompare) two areas of memory
     D(ump) specified memory to screen
     E(dit) an area of memory
     F(ill) memory with a constant value
     M(ove) a block of memory
     R(ead) a file into memory
     S(earch) for a string
     W(rite) a file to disc
EDBIN Error Messages


A: Interrupt Summaries

The Interrupt vectors
INT 21h Summary by function number
INT 21h Summary by operation type
INT E0h BDOS Summary by function number
INT E0h Summary by operation type
INT E0h function 32h XIOS subfunctions

B: DOS Interrupts – INT 20h to 27h

INT 20h – program terminate
INT 21h – general function dispatcher
INT 21h – functions 0 to 57h
INT 25h
INT 26h
INT 27h

C: BDOS interrupts – INT E0h

Functions 0 to FFh

D: Example CP/M and DOS disc structures

E: Tube host code

Model B/B+ source listing
Master 128 source listing

F: 6502.SYS code

6502.SYS source listing
OSWORD &FA source listing

G: Hardware Projects

Clock add on
Master 512 RAM expansion board
Building your own hard disc

H: Third Party Products

<This section of Contents page corrected – YP>
Dabs Press
Essential Software
     Various utility packages
     512K expansion board
Interactive Software Services
Margolis & Co.
Permanent Memory Systems
Shibumi Soft
Solidisk Technology Ltd.
Tull Computer Services

I: Glossary

J: The Programs Disc

K: Bibliography

L: Other Dabs Press Products


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