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E : The DOS Plus Transients        


The following shows the contents of the DOS system disc as supplied in release 2.1 of DOS Plus. You should note that, if you are using an earlier issue, your own disc will not contain all the files shown here, and will in addition show one or two extras, most notably the File Manager, FMG.CMD. This has been withdrawn by Digital Research and is no longer supplied. A copy taken from release 1.2 appears to function on 2.1, but users should note that this is not a recommended practice, as filemanager is known to be unreliable, hence its withdrawal.

If you are using an earlier release of DOS Plus than 2.1 and wish to obtain the upgrade, see Appendix A for details.

The file data is shown exactly as catalogued, with inserted column headings for clarity, and brief comments on the purpose or use of the file, to give help if you are deciding which might need to be copied to your working floppy discs or memory disc. By adding up the file sizes shown (remembering to round up to the correct size for your disc format) you will be able to see in advance the amount of space which will be required. In practice it is just as easy to copy the required files to an empty disc and issue a 'DIR' command, if the system is available at the time.

DISC 1 is the DOS Plus systems disc, required initially to boot the system prior to making your own working copy. You should immediately make a working copy and use this copy in all future operations, retaining the original safely in case of disaster.

This disc contains all the transient commands and utilities required by the 512 in running DOS Plus. You may find it useful to copy selected utilities to your applications discs, or to ensure their availability by means of the memory disc, and setting the appropriate path.

Filename.Ext Size Date          Time     Description
COMMAND.COM    26888    6-01-87 14:28 The transient which decodes all command input. It's more or less invisible, but can be overwritten by applications. In this case, if not present when the application terminates DOS Plus will report:- "Can't find COMMAND.COM". Replace the systems disc and press RETURN.
DISK.CMD 16512 15-07-87 11:58 This is the disc copy, format and verify utility. You should use this instead of COPY, if you want to copy the SYS files to make another bootable disc.
BACKG.CMD 14720 6-01-87 14:28 The utility used to run programs in the background, stop them, or to show the memory used by background routines.
BACKUP.CMD 12416 6-01-87 14:28 Another copy utility, but used to backup hard discs as well as floppies.
CHKDSK.CMD 11776 6-01-87 14:28 The disk check and repair utility. It has numerous options, including reporting only, or attempting to fix corrupted file allocation and free space tables.
DEVICE.CMD 11392 6-01-87 14:28 The utility used to (re) assign physical to logical peripheral device relationships.
STAR.CMD 12800 28-08-86 12:25 Allows the entry of native BBC * commands (eg FX calls) which are passed across the tube for immediate execution.
BYE.CMD 2560 28-08-86 12:26 The command to park the heads on a hard disc. Always use this if you are physically moving a hard disc drive or damage may result.
ED.CMD 9728 6-01-87 14:28 The ASCII text file editor.
PUTFILE.CMD 12672 15-01-87 14:51 Reads DOS files; writes DFS or ADFS format files.
FIDDLOAD.COM 3968 6-01-87 14:28 Allows installable device drivers.
GETFILE.CMD 12672 15-01-87 14:51 Reads DFS or ADFS files; writes DOS format files.
FSET.CMD 8960 6-01-87 14:28 Sets file access permissions.
INITDIR.CMD 35840 6-01-87 14:28 Initiates date/time stamping. Applies to CP/M discs.
MODE.COM 8064 6-01-87 14:28 A subset of DEVICE. See above.
PIP.CMD 9600 6-01-87 14:28 Peripheral Interchange Program. CP/M's data transfer program.
PRINT.CMD 15104 6-01-87 14:28 The background print utility.
SDIR.CMD 11904 6-01-87 14:28 Shows directory; displays various levels of file information.
SHOW.CMD 8064 6-01-87 14:28 Shows disc volume information.
SKS.CMD 1664 6-01-87 14:28 Utility to allow Borland's Sidekick to be run. SKS must be run before Sidekick is loaded.
TREE.CMD 6784 6-01-87 14:28 Shows the structure of directories.
NOTUBE.CMD 4224 28-08-86 12:29 A DOS command which issues a *CONFIGURE NOTUBE from DOS.
HDBOOT.SYS 3584 28-08-86 13:21 A system file for booting DOS from a hard disc.
HDISK.CMD 18688 28-08-86 13:21 The hard disc control command.
PCSCREEN.EXE 3072 28-08-86 12:33 Selects an IBM screen mode and translates it to a BBC mode change.
COLOUR.EXE 3584 28-08-86 12:36 Changes the colours used on screen.
ALARM.CMD 11264 28-08-86 12:36 The alarm utility.
MEMDISK.COM 2732 5-05-87 20:22 Sets up a RAM disc of a specified size. It can't be run twice.
NETPRINT.CMD 10112 28-08-86 12:37 Sends output to a network printer.
EDBIN.EXE 7168 16-01-87 16:08 Binary file editor.
MOVE.EXE 21510 25-01-87 19:14 File transfer between (most) BBC filing systems (not necessarily involving DOS).
HDINSTAL.BAT 512 26-05-86 16:12 The batch file to install a hard disc partition for DOS Plus.
HDINSTL1.BAT 896 26-05-86 16:12 As above.
HELP.HLP 50560 28-08-86 14:43 The help text used by HELP.CMD.
ISSUE.BAT 2048 15-07-87 14:27 This batch file displays the DOS issue number (3) on screen.
HELP.CMD 7424 26-05-86 15:42 Displays systems help.
LABEL.CMD 6272 28-07-87 1:56 Allows user labelling of discs.

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